A Brief History of PCOHAS

Padre Pio College of Health and Allied Sciences is a private College which was established in November 2017 and acquired its FULL REGISTRATION  status with NACTE in March 2019 with number REG./HAS/186 and latest in July 2020 it acquired FULL ACCREDITATION.  The college is located in Temeke Municipality near Temeke regional referral Hospital in Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania

The college is committed to play a key role in implementing of the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDEC) Mission and Vision by offering training in Clinical medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and other related health programs. The programmes at the college has been developed to suit the needs of the health sector, the Labour market demands, legal and professional needs that exist in our country. It is one of the initiatives by the Government to modernize qualifications within the health sector and optimize transferability within and across sectors and disciplines.

Establishment of this college is geared towards increasing number of health providers, addressing skills gaps and shortages in workplaces, providing a climbing ladder for higher skills opportunities and achieving more responsive education and training system, aligned with health sector employment needs.

Mandate of the College

The mandate of Padre Pio College of Health and Allied Sciences is as:

(a) The provision of Tertiary education, promotion of research and advancement of learning.

(b) Dissemination of knowledge and giving opportunity of acquiring higher education to all persons including persons with disabilities wishing to do so regardless of race, political opinion, color, or sex and

(c) The provision of accessible physical facilities to the users of the Public College.